Quick Reference
5-7-Day Standard Production Time : FREE
Personalizations/Copy Changes: FREE. We do not charge when individual trophies have different names to be engraved.
Art Charges: FREE
- No charge when art conforms to the art guidelines on our website
- When art does not conform to artwork guidelines:
- Minimum art charge is $31.25(v).
- Hourly rate is $62.50(v)
- See our Art Specifications page for detailed art information.
Art Proofs: FREE for the first two proofs
- You don't have to specify type style, size and layout; our art department will do that and send you a proof.
- If, after the first art proof, you make changes, we will send you a second proof at no charge.
- All subsequent art proofs are $10(net)
- Art proofs are provided for all orders
- Approval must be received before production will start
- All art proofs are e-mailed
Setup: $30. (v)
Additional imprint locations:
- Direct Engraving/Laser on Crystal - $9.00(v) for each additional location not included in the standard price.
- Metal Plate Engraving on Wood, Marble or Crystal - $12.00(v) for each additional location not included in the standard price.
Order Changes:
- All changes must be received via fax or email.
- Verbal changes will not be accepted or acted on.
- Additional charges may be incurred when changes are made after art preparation has started.
Shipping Charges:
- Master Carton. A $5.00(net) charge per box is added to the invoice for special protective packing to assure safe delivery.
- Our website does not calculate freight charges. We will notify you of actual freight charges prior to shipment, and charge your credit card accordingly.
Rush Charge:
- Rush charge applies when the ship date is three or less working days from receipt of order and artwork.
- 25% of order or a minimum of $50 (v), whichever is greater.
- Be sure to select the correct shipping service (ground, overnight, 3-day, etc.) when ordering to meet your deadline.
Cancellation Charges:
- All cancellations must be received via fax or email.
- All costs incurred prior to order cancellation will be charged.
- We will accept damaged or incorrect orders for repair or replacement with prior authorization.
- Contact customer service for a Return Authorization Number.
Credit Policy:
- In order to offer our low prices, we need your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express credit card to process your order. While we may put a hold on your credit card for the initial total of your order, we will not charge your card until the day of shipment.
- We do not ship COD.
We will discuss any and all charges with you before beginning work, and add those charges to your final invoice.
Prices are subject to change without notice.